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Healthy Weightloss & Fitness - The Basics

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor & I don't have any medical training expect for being first aid trained. I have written this article to help people to lose weight and get fitter as safely as possible. You should ALWAYS seek medical advice from your GP before starting any form of exercise or weight loss. 


Losing weight

If losing weight is your goal, then there are some key points to get you there;

1. Stay healthy - is your goal a healthy one? Check it, then double check it. The BMI or body max index is a great place to start, check the NHS website for the easy calculator & don't get emotional about the result, take it for what it is - a guide - and then you can plan from there. 


If you always do what you've always done, then you'll always get what you've always got
Henry Ford


2. Mindset - realise from the off that if it took you 20 years to get you to where you are now weight wise, then you are not going to get back to your target weight in a fortnight! Sounds obvious I know, but so many give up after a few weeks due to slow or even no discernible progress, so you need a couple of different ways to measure results - this is not BS, the results will be genuine, but as you'll read in a moment there is more than one way to monitor them. 


3. Monitor - you MUST be quite anal about this, RECORD EVERYTHING; your height, weight, waist, hips, chest, take pics in your underwear front side and rear at the start. 

Things that can change; your weight, your fitness, your shape.

Let's look at fitness for a moment, as this can be split down into 5 areas.

- Speed - how fast you can cover the distance

- Distance - how far you can go 

- Stamina - how long you can go for

- Strength - how much you can lift or carry 

- Knowledge - how much you have learnt. Granted, this one is not directly related to fitness, but don't forget, you are being anal about this, so record it, as you will plateau at various points & even if you have only learnt a new exercise or move/technique, this is still progress. 


Small progress is still progress!


4. Exercise - so here we are at the exercise bit, the specifics of what you can do to initiate change. 

Start easy & gently - don't focus on what you cannot do, focus on what you can.

- "I can't run" - can you cycle? Can you walk or can you do a plank? All of these are great exercises & you can easily change the duration, distance & weight by adding a backpack. 

- Set an exercise plan, keep it simple, start easy and just execute the plan, don't change it, don't over think it. I know I am biased but Martial Arts are brilliant for fitness, weight loss and toning, as they give you something specific to work towards - gradings and getting better at the techniques, plus you get accountability from your friends and colleagues on the mats. 


Exercise Example plan 

Stage 1 - low level of fitness, not exercised for many years.

Exercise three days a week with a day of rest between, e.g., Mon, Wed & Fri - but choose days & times that work for you. Yes, you will have to create new habits but BIG changes especially in the early days will be very hard for you & so more difficult to stick to, so make it as easy as possible. 


In addition to your new exercise programme start adding in things like - taking the longer way round to work (not in your car!) or taking the stairs instead of the lift, or going down & up a flight of stairs every time you go for a coffee or the loo - all will help.


Exercise programme level 1

- Mon walk for 5 mins then turn round and back 

- Plank for 10secs, with elbows on the ground & knees or if you can manage it, a "proper" plank is with the balls of your feet on the ground along with your elbows. With all exercises form is key. Your plank should be with a flat back, not with your bum stuck up in the air. 5 secs with good form is better and more effective than 2 mins or more with poor form.
Plank opposite a mirror or video yourself or get a friend or partner to help. 

- Finish with a gentle stretching routine like this one 10min Stretch routine


Complete level 1 for at least 3 sessions of days, so one week. If you feel fine, a little muscle soreness is good, but a lot of muscle soreness or ANY stabbing pain is bad - see your doctor for stabbing pain.

Ease back if you get a lot of muscle soreness, you can reduce to twice a week and / or reduce the duration.

If after one week you are fine then;

Level 2,

- Mon walk for 7 mins then turnaround and come back, Wed 5 mins as level 1, Fri 7mins as Mon

- Plank for 15secs.


You can remain at a particular level for as long as you want. Exercise should be a little challenging, but a good rule of thumb is to be able to hold a conversation with someone throughout the exercise. 

Level 3 

- Mon , 10mins each way, Wed 5 mins each way, Fri 10mins each way

- Plank for 30 secs


You can double or triple the time or distance if it's too easy - but tbh is SHOULD be easy for the first couple of weeks, then slowly increase it - jumping ahead too fast is a sure way to injury and forced stop. You are trying to create a new, consistent habit, so don't rush it. 


Changing shape

As discussed, earlier, test and measure, your shape may well change before you see any weight loss, or it may change last... that's just the way it is! Plus muscle weights more than fat so you could become more toned and stay the same weight or even get heavier - Hence the need to test and measure more than just weight. 


Food - what to eat. 

A balanced diet is best - healthy snacks - see the link below to the NHS website. 


Checkout this NHS Web page too 


Created 10/12/2022

Updated 08/02/2023

Coalville: Coalville Adult School Hall, Bridge Rd, Coalville. LE67 3PW

Earl Shilton: The Stute, 12 Station Road, Earl Shilton. LE9 7GA​

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